SSN Tracer & Address History

SSN Tracer & Address History

A Social Security Number (SSN) address history is a record of an individual’s past addresses as reported to the Social Security Administration (SSA). This information is often used by employers or organizations as part of a background check to verify an individual’s identity and past residences. The SSN address history is obtained by requesting a report from the SSA, which typically includes a list of all the addresses where the individual has lived and worked that have been reported to the SSA. This information can be useful in verifying an individual’s identity, as well as for conducting additional background checks, such as criminal background checks or credit history checks.It’s important to note that the SSN address history may not include all of an individual’s past addresses, as not all addresses are reported to the SSA. Additionally, there may be errors or discrepancies in the information provided by the SSA, so it’s important to verify the information through other sources as well.